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Aquilegia William Guinness — 62 Comments

  1. Your circular garden is gorgeous, tiny but gorgeous (well or maybe there’s more to the garden that than bit – I can’t really see). Great how you’ve managed to pack so many different plants into the space and still have a lovely clear lawn! 🙂

  2. Hi Kininvie, very true I have lived in Scotland for an affa lang time. Mind you I have been known to say hen is more used in the Glasgow area, definitely not used in the North East.

  3. Alistair, I never tire of long shots of your garden! I think it helps to get a better understanding of how plants work in combination to see them combined in flowerbeds.
    I am a fan of columbines and you have a very nice selection. I have never seen Flabellata Ministar before. What a charmer! I must look out for that one.

  4. Columbines are my favorites. I have some aquilegias too in my garden and they are not they are good. Your garden looks awesome 🙂

  5. Loon & Quine are distinctly north-east Scotland and not heard anywhere else. ‘Jimmy’ is more or less confined to Glasgow & its fringes, but ‘hen’ (for a woman of almost any age) is heard right across the centre, from Glasgow to Edinburgh and beyond

  6. Hi catmint, I am not surprised to hear that aquilegias have a job surviving in your part of the world, although I suspect they flower in Winter.

  7. Hi Alastair, I used to have aquilegia that came back every year for years until it became very hot and dry, then they just disappeared. They are very delicate looking and interesting flowers. Your round garden looks great. The cucumbers look extremely impressive. cheers, catmint

  8. Hi Carolyn, I was preparing a draft with Daylily featuring and what did I do, yes I pressed publish by mistake. It could only have been on for ten minutes at the most, obviously time enough for email to pick it up. My next post is for this coming Saturday. Thanks for letting me know, have a good time if you are on holiday.

  9. Well thank you Alistair, for clearing that all up for me. I must say that I would not have guessed ‘hen’– sounds too maternal but is close to ‘chick’ which I am used to meaning about the same.

  10. That is so funny Linnie. Well, I first referred to Fay as quine after she addressed me as loon. Quine as I am sure you gathered is the local term for girl. Loon is nothing to do with the feathered creature which I was introduced to via Katherine Hepburn and Henry Fonda in, On Golden Pond, neither is it (I think) making a suggestion that I am a half wit. Its the local term for a boy! Ha, ha, how kind of Fay. Oh hen is more used in the Glasgow area informing normally a young quine that she is adorable.

  11. You have a wonderful selection of Columbines, Alistair. I do prefer the singles, the are so delicate.

  12. Hi Laura. I just post once each fortnight now. New post due next Saturday. Do you normally get an email informing that I have added a post? If so did the last email come through to you with very large text which was unreadable. Its just that my sight not being as good as I would like has me using larger text on my blog, which looks acceptable, but I suspect it affects the emails which are being sent.

  13. Hi Patrick, good to catch up with you again, I will add your blog link to my side bar. Wont lose track of you that way.

  14. Hey old friend,
    After a long six months, long story, it’s good to be back in your garden. The columbines are always beautiful but Suntense stole the show in the post. Absolutely gorgeous.
    I promise never to be gone away so long for my soul’s sake.

  15. Flabergasted with Flabellata Ministar but Abutilon x Suntense outshone. You always have a good collection of plants Alistair and many less usual ones too
    p.s have missed your usual Sunday post today – hope all is ok

  16. You have some very exotic columbines Alistair. I am very tempted by the fragrant one, always a plus. And I have noted the name of that blue abutilon– reminds me of a blue poppy. Speaking of that, I see Kininvie noted your term ‘quine’ which I did wonder about and has him calling Fay by ‘hen’ which is surely questionable, but did she address you as ‘Loon’? Really I have to watch you all constantly.

  17. That would be really great Cathy, thank you I could easily send some of mine on to you if you wish, usually the seedlings are always the dark colour or sports of Nora Barlow.

  18. Alistair, your variety of aquilegias is fabulous. I have a couple of doubles and really do enjoy them – glad you finally decided you like them! The round garden is simply lovely. Wishing you a wonderful summer…. would be happy to share some seeds from a few of my aquilegias if you’d like. 😉

  19. Lovely Aquilegias. I love the shots of the blue one in the round garden.

    Myra’s Clivia is stunning. The blooms and the leaves are flawless. Does Her Clivia stays indoors year round?

    Congrats on your first edible.

  20. I never seen blue looking so beautiful as in your garden.
    Truly it must be so wonderful to admire and enjoy all the flowers that blooms in this season.
    Truly remarkable.

  21. Hi Helene, thanks for your take on picture size. You should give Aquilegias a try, they grow surprisingly well in shady positions.

  22. Hi Alistair – Lovely photos of all your great aqueligias, William Guiness certainly is a show off.
    I have been using pittosporum in christmas wreaths for years, there is nothing else that compares to the intense purple foliage, I find it makes all the shades of winter green POP, if only it grew a little faster.
    Hope you are well, Cat

  23. Hi Alistair, lovely Aquilegias, I especially liked the William Guinness, I have never tried growing them myself, not that I have room for any more spring/summer flowering plants in my postage stamp size garden! The only place I possibly could cram in one or two plants would be in my woodland corner, but it might be a bit shady there, mind you, I saw you had one growing next to a fern, perhaps I could have some growing next to my ferns? Loved the long shots of your garden, I think you should continue including some every time – I always do, it’s certainly not boring with a garden like yours!

    And as for pictures on our blogs, I always reduce all my pictures before posting as they come out better that way. I don’t reduce them completely, as I also use them on my website in a slightly larger size than on my blog, so I keep to a height and width of 650x975px or 650×867, depending on ratio of the camera. The slight reduction you then get by the blog software (Blogger in my case) doesn’t make much difference to the quality. It’s a bit of work, but what don’t we do to make our beloved plants and flowers look their best 🙂

  24. Hi Alistair, even if these plants are unknown to me they are all very well appreciated. And the garden is fabulous as always, i love that small circular nook. But that cucumber certainly gets everybody’s heart. Imagine only one plant will already feed a family! OMG you will be rich raising only these cucumbers! haha!

  25. I love columbines too, but they don’t come back reliably here, and the blooms fry fast in the heat. Yours are gorgeous. I loved the views of your round garden, and am hoping for more pictures – you are not boring me! Usually, close ups are easier to get right than whole garden shots, I think lots of people (including me) have the same issue.

  26. The temperatures here at the moment, I wouldn’t be surprised if we still had columbines at Christmas, well maybe a little.

  27. Its true what you say about the Aquilegias they do blend in and for that reason I am going to scatter seeds in the main border to see what happens.

  28. Great plants Alistair, and the garden is looking fab as always!

    I’m getting more and more into Aquilegias as they’re reliable, unfussy, gives early colour in the season then blends away nicely with the exotics during the summer. And so many lovely selections too!

  29. What pretty columbines! I like the cute little blue ones! The columbines here have long since finished blooming with our heat.

    Your garden is gorgeous. I love the long shots!

  30. Veg growing competition not likely b-a-g, the tomato plants have grown so large I can now hardly get into the greenhouse. Myra asking for her plant to be included, doesn’t sound right does it, think I better alter that or she may clock me one.

  31. Columbines are amongst my favourite flowers, and would you believe, I bought William Guinness this year. That Abutilon looks gorgeous. Love the pics of your round garden too.
    But the winner must be the Clivia, what a lovely specimen.

  32. Hi Alastair – Aqueligias are great, they are the only plants that don’t get dug out from the gaps in my patio. I prefer the single varieties because they look so delicate.
    Myra’s plant is fantastic – I’m surprised that she had to ask you to include it.
    I didn’t realise that it was possible to get so many cucumbers out of one plant – you’ll be entering those veg growing competitions before long.

  33. Hi Carolyn, that is an interesting point regarding the over breeding of Columbines. The close ups are also affected and made slightly blurry by the automatic reduction in size, its just not quite so noticeable.

  34. Hi Kininvie, I take it you find the the north east term Quine as being common, I will ask Fay if she prefers Hen. Is there a difference between Alpina and Flabellata, I am not really sure have to ask the plant police.

  35. Jimmy, (- if we are going to be dropping in affectionate Scottish terms of address, it’s unavoidable – Fay will be Hen from now on)I like your aquilegias. They are not plants I take much notice of, but they happily seed themselves all over the place in my garden in a whole variety of colours and I usually leave them be. However, I find they do position their seedlings right in the middle of other plants, and quickly send down tap roots, causing disruption and distress when I attempt to weed them out. This is especially true of aquilegia alpina, which gets into the wrong places in my scree bed. Can you tell me the difference between a.alpina and a.flabellata? They look very similiar – but obviously can’t be.

  36. I think the really fancy overbred columbine are short-lived. The closer you stick to the species, the better they come back. That is very interesting about the photos and the reduction. I did not know that and always wondered why the landscape shots were blurry. I will try this next post. So I don’t need to worry about close ups but just large shots?

  37. what can I say that hasn’t been said before… lovely to see your garden shots. Hope my first attemp at cucumbers is as successful as yours, got mildew at the moment but they;re hanging in there.

  38. some lovely blooms Alistair, I love the deep red colour of the pittosporum no wonder Anne Swinthenbank is always recommending them, Myras flowers look lovely to and some yummy fresh food, well done all, Frances

  39. Alistair your columbines are just gorgeous. I just love the Flabellata Ministar. Gorgeous! Myra’s Clivia is so beautiful. You have such a wonderful garden. Have a lovely weekend.

  40. Thanks quine, I will have a look at your weather thingy, if I remember it gives better results than the one which I have added.

  41. Thank you Donna, yes I do remember that you ordered Fragrans. A great pity it didn’t take, however I have a suspicion that it is a sport of the original plant.

  42. Loon – you’ve captured the elegance of those bloom perfectly I love ‘Grannies bunnets’ and they’re not easy to take photos of! Well done Sir.

    As to your adventures with edibles – they look fab – I’m reading a book at the moment you might enjoy but possibly don’t need looking at those cucumbers!

    Clivia’s remind me of my grandmothers house – always had those instead of Amaryliss which were outlawed.

    Liking the new text – the weather widget you mentioned before on my site is easily added via there helpful site…….


  43. What a most remarkable post…one of my favorite flowers featured and I was able to see the Aquilegia Fragrans (which you might remember I was a bit enamored with after your post). I did purchase one but it did not survive. Columbines are perfect here but some as they are transplanted do not always do well with our changing conditions. Once established they freely seed and I let them…I love Myra’s plant and had not heard of it before. And look at your edibles already…the round garden is just perfect Alistair…wishing you a lovely summer in the garden.

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