Garden security
Garden security
These days we have to consider very seriously the security in our home and even our garden. I have known of people having their bedding plants dug up, must be for selling on, as I am unable to imagine anyone getting pleasure from plants which were stolen from someone’s garden.
Not so much we can do about security in our front garden, however, if you wish to deter intruders from getting into your property from the back, here is an idea that may help.
Remember in days gone by when you would see walls with broken glass cemented into the top, fairly spoiled our fun when we were kids and wanted access to somewhere where we knew that we should not be. Well, we are not allowed to do this now, mores the pity. Mind you some shrubs are so thorny and impenetrable it is worth considering this as a barrier.
Here are two of them that would do the job more than adequately.(Berberis Ottawensis Superba.) A deciduous shrub with dark red/purple foliage growing to around 8ft tall, very ornamental in appearance. This one has sharp spines on the stems, which makes it impenetrable even when the leaves come off in winter. A dwarf variety is available, so make sure you do not choose this. Fully hardy grows in any reasonable well-drained soil, sun or partial shade. Powdery mildew can be troublesome some years, however permanent damage does not occur due to this. A row of these planted a few feet apart would help secure your property.
The other shrub, much loved by the police force up and down the country is (Rubus Cockburnianus.) Related to the common bramble this is a thicket-forming Deciduous shrub with beautiful yellow fern-like foliage. In summer purple saucer-shaped flowers are followed by inedible black fruits. Arching prickly shoots have a brilliant white bloom in Winter with deep red thorns which give an ornamental appearance much loved by garden designers.
The vicious spikes on this shrub will take care of any foolhardy burglar. Eventual height of this one is also about eight feet. The white stems in Winter are shown off to their best advantage planted in a sunny situation. These two plants offer gardeners a bit more than security alone as they also look good.