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Hypericum Inodorum Magical Beauty — 37 Comments

  1. I was looking for how long the berries on magical pumpkin/beauty lasted and your site was the only one that i found that gave any exact details on this, thanks.
    I will be looking to add on to my garden now.

  2. I think I have found some growing wild in my garden. Would love confirmation . If I had your email I could send you a picture

  3. Blimey! Your back garden is amazing too!!! We should all take more close-up snaps of the plants in our gardens, too many plants pass us by until you zoom in…more ‘beauties’ out there than we realise xx

  4. Hi Alistair, I think that I once gave Hypericum a try, but it did not take. It looks like such a nice plant in your pictures that I think I may try to give it another go. I especially like those black berries! I like heathers, but they are tricky here with our tough winters and dry summers. They look terrific in your flowerbeds.

  5. What a beautiful plant. I’ve unfortunately run out of space in my garden for any more plants but I’ll make a note of it on my plant wish list.

  6. Greggo, I think its more what you would call a tiered garden, several garden areas which gradually rise. I did get someone to do the trellis work.

  7. Now thats what I call a raised garden. wow. looks like a lot of love goes into it. Did you build the lattice too? greggo

  8. Hello Jordan, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the heathers overcrowded, seems to be something which I cant help myself doing. Comments! come on, bring them on.

  9. I’ll have to be honest Alistair, you get so many comments that sometimes I think I shouldn’t bother you with yet another. But thank you very much for your last comment on my blog. I think your heather beds look lovely. Let’s hope they don’t get overcrowded! It can certainly be hard to know how to plant for the future.

  10. I love these small flowering hypericum too! The one you mentioned is probably the best, but I want to ‘collect’ many others as the flowers have a different shade of yellow and the berries are from pale pink to rich crimson or maroon, I just love the way it grows too: neat and tidy and every time it grows it sets new flowers, so you can see flowers, buds and berries all in the same plant by end of summer. Nice post, I’m happy there’s someone else in the World who appreciate this plant! 🙂

  11. Kininvie, I have really just found heathers again and intend to make a beetler job of them than I did in the past. Yes I know about pruning hard to stop them getting woody. Conflicting advice with the ones that flower in Autumn, some say to cut back after flowering, but I kind of feel with the onset of Winter this could be damaging.

  12. There is much of the invasive sort of groundcover Hypericum here– I had no idea there was a woody sort that became a beautiful shrub. And furthermore, I have no heather. See how important it is that I read your blog Alistair?

  13. Hello Alistair; I’m sure you know that you have to prune your heathers really hard to stop them getting too woody? I have several – mostly erica carnea, which are now very ancient, and I have to say that they are a haven for weeds – which get into the roots and then there is no stopping them – especially sorrel. But for something colourful in February, they are necessary, so I don’t eradicate them – though I am tempted!

  14. Janet I know what you mean about having difficulty getting the Heathers to fit in, hope we have got it right this time, I will reserve judgement till next year.

  15. Beautiful shot of the hypericum Alistair, and what a lovely plant. Heathers are plants that never seem to quite fit in to my garden, though the colours and textures at this time of year can be beautiful, as you have demonstrated, and the insects certainly appreciate the late nectar.

  16. I have always loved these plants but never had luck growing them. They are native here so I am giving them another try. I absolutely adore heather and have a couple fo small plants that flower but do not grow well where I have planted them. Seems time for a change of place for them. Your heather beds are gorgeous. Very inspiring post. You certainly got me thinking.

  17. Hi Frances, it was a bit pricey but, I don’t mind splashing out as we are such stay at homes and spend so little on things which others may do. So many of the Hypericums respond well to being cut hard back in Spring.

  18. Hi Donna, I am forever trying plants which I know have little chance of success, they will continue to tempt us with these things in the garden centres.

  19. The hypericum photos are “wow”! Just beautiful! Our gardening season is pretty much done for the year as of yesterday… very cold and windy now. Larry

  20. Hi,
    Beautiful photos, there still seems to be a lot going on in your garden.

    I really must get myself some more heather; they’re gorgeous and look so very nice at this time of year! 😀

  21. Alistair – the St. John’s wort berries and heathers (I remember when you planted them) are beautiful … but what caught my eye in your post were the little violet flowers with dark brown leaves just under the St. John’s wort bush in the first picture. I found that growing in my garden but I haven’t got a clue what it is, do you know its name ?

  22. Alistair your heather beds look good, with so many new heathers it must have cost abit, I like Annemarie, one of the things puts me off heathers is all those pinks,
    I love my Hypericum it’s probably just the most common variety bought in a pack from Woolworths, no plant is common though to a naive ‘still got lots to learn’ gardener like myself, I cut mine back for the first time this year and noticed it didn’t regrow from old wood only from last years growth and heaps of new shoots from the bottom so I intend to cut it right down next spring as the growth from the bottom has looked very good, I also took some cuttings for new plants as I recently posted,

  23. I do like Hypericum because it is so textural and I like the color too. Your first image of it is really pretty. Heathers and Heaths do really poorly in our climate, but I so wish I could grow them here. I did try and they did not make it through the wet winters.

  24. What a beautiful St. John’s wort, such a great peach color to the berries and magical flowers. I like all the woody hypericums though, especially golden ‘Brigadoon’ and burgundy ‘Albury Purple’. There are herbaceous perennial hypericums that are regarded as invasive here in the US.

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