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Asiatic Lily Pearl Jennifer — 44 Comments

  1. Hi Alistair
    We have prunella wild here. Actually about 25% of my ‘lawn’ is prunella. So I am set if I need healing. It’s a nice little plant for lawn–mixed in with grass and clover. But clover is very entertaining. I always press the 4-leaf ones I find– I put them into books to forget and then come across years later and think, what luck! Of course your lilies are awesome. (I’ve had some difficult lily incidents that I won’t relate here on your nice blog.)

  2. Everything is beautiful if it is in your garden, Alistair. I haven’t found anything below par since i followed your posts. And maybe your photography gives more justice to them too.

  3. Beautiful lilies Alistair, though for me they are now plants that I will admire from a distance, I am too fed up of the battle with the dreaded lily beetle to persevere! Shame, they are such gorgeous plants.

  4. Wow! Really beautiful blooms — and I have to say that I’m quite jealous that it looks like spring time in your part of the world, while my part of the world is full of barren trees and empty beds.

  5. Alastair now you are talking about favorites of mine. I keep planting more and more all of the time.I got some good buys this year at fall clearances that I just couldn’t turn down too. I love your Pearl Stacey. The color is amazing and it is hard to describe the hue of it. Lovely. I have never grown prunella either but it would be a welcome addition to my shady flower bed. That is a great color. I always have a camera in my purse. LOL!

  6. I love lillies but don’t have any so I think I might have to do something about that next year. I’ve got a couple of old zinc baths which thought I might plant up with lillies and place them by the kitchen window so the scent wafts in.

  7. Christine, they are best left in the ground, Lilies must be planted deeply 6 to 8 inches. Allow them to die back and cut down to ground level when the stalks are brown.

  8. I tried some blue Asiatic lilies. All this year they have struggled to grow. Shoots appeared, they were eaten. They tried to tough it out. Over and over they tried again, never getting above an inch high, never (clearly!) coming to flower.

  9. A gorgeous variety Alistair! Asiatic lilies are such reliable plants with incredibly showy blooms. Lily beetle is a big problem in our garden though.

  10. It is more common here to see Asiatic lilies in white, pink and deep rose. The Asiatic Lily Pearl Jennifer is a nice change and I love the clear, bight yellow color. I may have to watch for this one, especially since we share a name. Pearl Stacey is pretty too. I am not familiar with Prunella Vulgaris Rose Pearl. Thank you for the introduction. Its flower reminds me a little of lamium. I will have to try to remember it when I order herbs in spring.

  11. Alistair – Glorious lilies, especially the spotty ones. Your prunella photos looked familiar to me because they reminded me of lamium, my favourite weed which grows in the lawn and the patio gaps. I checked it out and in fact prunella is its larger cousin.

  12. Beautiful lilies! I didn’t realize the blooms last so much longer in cooler climates. My lilies last only about two weeks. It’s a spectacular sight, but so short a bloom time!

  13. Wow those lilies are fantastic! I like lilies a lot but they don’t like me 🙁
    I have a too heavy soil, probably, so they become fussy and snails just have a quick supper on them just as they sprout. The link you put up there, about mail order, is badly tempting.

  14. Alistair my lilies did poorly in our summer drought but perhaps it may also be due to my lack of reading the planting instructions..hmmm…I may need to give them a boost of fertilizer as well…lovely Prunella

  15. I just love your lilies! I like Jennifer the best, I think – I like the spots! Her yellow is also a beautiful compliment to the purple clematis you have in the background. Thanks for including the soil each type of lily likes. I’ll keep that in mind, as my soil is quite acidic.

  16. Lovely, lovely lilies. They perform so well in your garden. I never realized up until now that their pedicels are so long, thanks to your fantastic photos, you captured their beauties so well. Thanks for the tip on feeding lilies tomato fert, I will certainly try it. And thanks also for the mention. 🙂

  17. Lovely lily, Alistair. My favourite is the Nepalese Lily. Beautiful markings!
    Raemoir is one of our stopping points when we visit friends in Moray. They put a lot of thought into how they display their plants and the cafe is pretty hot too.

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