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Clematis Perle d Azur — 66 Comments

  1. The clematis Perle d Azur is stunning. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a deep blue one before

  2. Awwww… you and Myra would be welcomed with open arms. The guest room is waiting for you! You always have a place to stay on this side of the pond if you ever want to visit, and we won’t even ask you to weed!

  3. Cathy and Steve, thank you very much for the visit and welcome back. I will head over your way soon, well not literately.

  4. Alistair, that clematis is absolutely gorgeous, definitely one I would like to try to find on this side of the pond! That time of the summer (the dog days of August), we struggle with having color throughout the garden. My guess is that with a white climbing rose, it would be dramatic and stunning as well.

    Looking at your primulae, pansies, and daffs brings me out to our side garden LOL. We had our first primrose come back this year — a major feat for me! I’m hoping that we have better luck with the ones I am putting in this year. As for the fritilaria, oh my, they are so lovely! We had some but most of them didn’t come back last year and I was so disappointed! Time to get more.

    On a personal note, sorry to hear about your difficulty with eyesight. I experience similar problems and they can really be challenging. I took a brief sabbatical over the winter – not planned, but the break allowed me to rest and catch up on other things long neglected. But even when I am at my best, I rarely post more than twice weekly and often only post every 7-10 days. Allowing time for others to read and respond has been most rewarding!

    Take care, and we’ll be watching for your posts whenever they may come our way!

  5. Lovely images of clematis, Alistair. The early ones are in bloom in our garden at the moment. I never tire of them. Sorry to hear about your eyesight but I’m glad you’re continuing to keep up with your blog even if it’s not as often and I hope AMD won’t affect your gardening too much.

  6. Dear Alastair, I’m sorry to hear about your eyesight problem, but once a fortnight will not be that bad. The best thing I read is what you wrote to Sage Butterfly above: you intend to stick around for quite some time yet! I so admire your blogging energy and incredible and well deserved popularity. And the blue of that clematis is superb! cheers, cm

  7. Hi Kevin, Clematis are not in bloom yet. I generally profile plants which grow in my garden, not necessarily always when blooming.

  8. Your garden looks amazing! And I love the clematis. I hope your vision problems improve, but I am glad to hear that you will still be around. I really enjoy reading about your garden and seeing all your lovely plants.

  9. Alistair — sorry to hear about your vision issues, but I’m thrilled that you’ll still be sharing and participating in blog world. I’m also a bit jealous that your clematis are in bloom. All I have are buds — interesting to look at the pace of spring in different parts of the world.

  10. Hi Alistair, So sorry to read of the problems with your vision! I am glad to here that you are not giving up altogether. I always enjoy my visits and tend to learn something as well. Though I have gardened for years, there are lots of plants that I have only become acquainted with in since we bought our present home. I am glad to read your tip for fertilizing clematis and this one is a beauty. The long bloom time is a great bonus. Wonderful daffodils and primroses!

  11. Thanks Linnie, balanced! stable!– Myra come and see what Linnie says aboot me. Awa yi feel, she’s thinkin o somebody else.

  12. Now you’ve done it Alistair–just like I needed another clematis! But onto the “find” list it goes, such a lovely blue. No matter how often you write, I’m always happy to visit. Your garden is dependably inspiring– and I need your balanced perceptions to, you know, help me stabilize my thinking… L

  13. Thanks for the visit Kininvie, rabbits causing damage like this really would get me down. We dont have Spring Clematis, high time something was done about it.

  14. Finding space is always a problem Helene. At times I am ruthless with some plants which I find I am not so fond of.

  15. Hi Larry, always good to hear from you. Gardeners with eye problems, what a state of affairs. AMD is my problem and I am most affected whilst out on the road. Hope the hard frosts end soon.

  16. Yes Laura, dry AMD is what the problem is. Thanks for the tip, at the moment I take a supplement called macushield which is highly recommended by the opticians.

  17. The name alone is enticing as well as that blue but very taken with your sorbus so glad you posted that link above. The virtual world is only that and yet is such a strain on the eyes whereas your garden is a true vision of loveliness and care. Post at will Alistair and we will be happy to follow.
    p.s. All the best with your vision – if it has anything to do with dry AMD, marigolds are the best natural therapy as a source of lutein

  18. Hi Alistair… I do agree that the clematis is lovely indeed! I liked your primulas as well! I got in a ‘boatload’ of perennials, annuals and shrubs and trees today… much of tomorrow will be spent getting the greenhouse up and running. I just wish these freezes would end, although they can last off and on well into May here. The problem is that despite a return to normal conditions, many things are up to six weeks early.

    I’m sorry that you are having vision concerns. I had a bad bike accident a few years ago when a big labrador retriever ran under my bike while I was doing about 25 miles an hour. One of the outcomes was three rips in my retinas and floaters from the broken loose vitreous in the eye. I have an awful lot of difficulty with a lot of floaters in bright light as a result, so can relate to problems with the eyes. Mine tend to be the worse outside rather than in front of a computer, and have taken the joy out of road trips as it’s difficult to see clearly. Take care, Larry

  19. Hi Alistair, just wanted to say that your well-written posts fortnightly will be much appreciated 🙂 I also adore clematis’ but have kept to a red theme with C. texensis Gravetye Beauty and C.Niobe planted next to each other. Perhaps I need a blue clematis corner too…if I could just find the space?!

  20. Hello Alistair,
    Do you have spring clematis too? My c.macropetala is just coming into bloom. I have real problems planting new clematis (although I would like lots) because mice/slugs/rabbits (probably the latter) chop down the new shoots as they emerge….so frustrating!

  21. Masha, the purple Clematis is Etoile Violette. The shrub is a Pieris, not sure which variety but unusually prolific in bloom

  22. I agree with you on Perle d’Azur, it is wonderful here too, and can reach house-eating proportions. What is the purple clematis next to it?

    Your front garden looks lovely. What is the flowering shrub to the left of the door in the first picture?

  23. Your clematis really is gorgeous! Thanks for all the good information about it, too. I like the views of your front garden. I love daffodils!

  24. Sorry to hear about your eyesight, Alistair. My wife was told that the number of cases of eye strain has been increasing because the eyes have to focus at more distances now; for books, for mobile phone, for tablets, for computer screens, for TV screens, etc.

    Your daffodils are such a pleasure to look at. I am glad you decided to feature your front lawn as well. I’ll definitely keep looking out for your posts, once a fortnight isn’t bad. I know some bloggers are quite prolific but one does look for quality rather than frequency.

  25. Sorry to hear about your eyesight problem, but so glad that you will be continuing to blog. Yours really is one of my favourites and so informative.
    Now I know where I’ve been going wrong with my Clematis; food, never thought of that. All these years they’ve been starving. Oops.

  26. Hello Alistair! I’m not sure what I like more: the clematis itself or its name: Perle D’Azur 🙂
    Your daffodils and tulips are gorgeous and that fritillaria is very unique. Front of the house looks very spring-y!
    Really enjoyed your post.

  27. What a fantastic show of daffodils! Sorry to hear about your eye problem, I will look forward to your posts when they appear.

  28. I don’t know about turning exotic Rosie, but congratulations on winning all of those bulbs. Even in the harshest Winters the tulips which I plant in containers and leave outside still do very well. The reading on your site suits me fine, I just have to press control and then plus a couple of times, (and perfect.) Some of the blogs have fonts which are so faint making reading a bit difficult. I have to take this opportunity to let my visitors know that I am far from decrepit and other than my eyesight being a bit of an annoyance I do enjoy very good health. Thank you very much and all the others who have shown concern.

  29. Alistair I love those tulips in pots – I was afraid to last autumn after our previous two winters but now I’m making a note to do it this autumn. I really need to id lots of the daffodils in my garden though I’m glad I’ve got a note on my blog of what I bought – I just have never put the names to the actual daffodils – just got one ID’d this month for GBBD.

    Congrats on the prize – I won loads of bulbs in the green from T&M last week…….lots of success in turning exotic up there in Aberdeen – but hey you’ve more of a chance than I have down here in the cold hollows in Perthshire 🙂 Sorry to read about your eyesight problems. I’m always interested in finding out how I can make my website more user friendly – is there anything us bloggers should do to make it easier reading………..as there must be loads of people who have the same problems?

  30. I am sorry you are having trouble with your eyes. I hope things improve for you. Glad you’ll still be blogging. The clematis is absolutely beautiful! The second photo you posted looks like paradise … just gorgeous. I don’t have any daffodils, but Jack Snipe just drew me in. I’ll have to do some research to find out if Jack will grow here. The front garden is charming. Thank you for the lovely garden tour.
    All the best! 🙂

  31. Alberto, the Sorbus with the white berries which we have is Cashmiriana which is more ornamental than wilmottiana. Well I should say we had. Cashiriana has been in our garden for 24 years, it is said to be short lived. It has always been the first tree in the garden to open its leaves, this Spring they did not appear and I am afraid it died. I did a post on this one, I shall have to revisit sometime with a tale of its demise.

  32. I love your clematis! It grew like crazy in Illinois when I lived there but they don’t do well at all in San Diego, California. Those bluebells are also lovely. Jeannine

  33. I can see why that is your favorite clematis. And yes, I know – whatever’s in bloom is always our favorite at the time! My clematis are all very young, so large mature vines like that always amaze me. I am sorry about your eyesight. My father and I both have eye ‘problems’. Mine is not giving me any trouble right now, though. My father has had to quit driving, and can only read large print books, or with a magnifying glass. It’s been an adjustment for him, and since my eye problem is inherited, I watch with interest, knowing that may be me one day. However, everyone’s eyes are different, and I hope your eyesight stabilizes.

  34. Hi Alistair, I’m sorry to hear about your conditions, I hope it’s going to pass. Where do I start? I love Perle d’Azur, I must have it again in this new garden of mine. I like clematis even though they could get a little fussy in my climate. I’ve seen an amazing specimen of sorbus wilmorinii on the first pic, am I right? Will you write something about it sometimes? Mine is stuck. Love your daffs, especially reggae and grand soleil!

  35. Dear Alistair! Each of your posts is a joy to read! Your garden is beautiful and inspiring! Thank you for showing it and for sharing your gardening tips with us! I’ve never read about feeding clematis this way. I’ll do it to my plants!
    Your front yard looks very very festive. Tasteful, too.
    Thanks again!

  36. Clematis is one of my favorite plants and n a previous garden here, I had Perle d Azur. I can attest to how long it bloomed and the stunning show of flowers. Your garden, even early, is a beautiful display of booms.

  37. Hi Alistair. What a beauty. I love the blue blooms and will be on the hunt for one to add to my garden. I am always looking for blue blooms. Your Primroses are just beautiful in your front beds. Primroses are about the most colorful flowers going. Or is it by spring we are just so hungry for color? LOL! Have a lovely weekend.

  38. Hi Alistair…lovely to see images of your front garden, I never think to take pictures of ours (note to self). Sorry to hear about your eye problem 🙁 x

  39. Thanks for the visit Donna, everything in our garden also started to bloom much earlier than usual although we are in a cold spell at the moment. Thanks for your concern regarding my eyesight. Saw the specialist a couple of weeks ago and I will hold on to the information that deterioration can be slow.

  40. b-a-g, I think you are coming around to the Daffs. Although my eyesight isn’t so very hot now, I still enjoy very good health and fit enough to look after the garden, (where’s my white stick Myra.)

  41. Stunning blue in that clemetis, I am so jealous. Totally understanding doing the blog less often and I don’t believe blogging has to mean every day, it just stands for “web log” and a log can be done on any schedule.

    Your garden is so incredible. I want to know about the tulips in the pots. Do they sit in a greenhouse during the cold months and get started there? I don’t have a greenhouse – just the cold cruel world outside so container plantings must start after the freezing (although we didn’t get much of that this past winter, but who knew ahead of time?

  42. I have lots of different daffodils all over my property, and I haven’t kept track of the names. Maybe some day I will take out the packing slips for my bulb orders, which I did save, and try to match them with the plants. I will be happy to hear from you once a fortnight or however often you post. I really don’t like to hear from any blogger more than once a week but I guess that’s just me and my time constraints. One really good post from you is worth a lot of less “meaty” contributions.

  43. Alastair – Very sorry to read about your eyesight problem, I assumed that you wanted to dedicate more time to gardening. I don’t know what the rules of blogging are supposed to be, I just see it as a means of communication with like-minded people.

    You were right about Jack Snipe, he’s a handsome fellow. Your clematis bower is stunning – I can imagine a bride & groom wanting to be photographed in front of that.

  44. Alistair I am sorry to hear about the condition with your eyesight….I look forward to your blog whenever you can post. The front of your house is looking so vibrant with all the yellows, purples and other bright colors from the primrose, daffs and pansies. I am amazed at all the daffs you have that I also have in my garden. The clematis is a beauty. I have a blue one or 2 and they really add a nice touch to the garden…I adore clematis that are not fussy and take a good shearing in late winter, early spring…because of all the warm weather this year, I was out earlier than ever trimming them back. The Fritillaria uva-vulpis (Fox’s Grape) are up in my garden. Have a lovely rest of the weekend!

  45. I have plenty of room for plants, really, but most of it is lawn so even though I’m 33 I do have to pace myself. This weekend I’m planting 13 roses and 3 rhododendrons, so I’m obviously not very successful at this pacing business, as 13 of those plants will have to be planted in areas that is currently lawn. Lots and lots of digging to do!

  46. Sorry to hear about your eyes, but I’m glad that you will keep sharing your garden with us. I think it’s such a great example that a garden in a cold climate doesn’t have to be dull.

    The clematis is certainly a looker, and if I had room for one more clematis it would definitely be in the running. (As it is, I don’t, and I mustn’t let myself get tempted!)

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