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Sisyrinchium striatum — 40 Comments

  1. Do you cut back flowering stems when flowers have turned black and plant still thriving?

  2. Heather, The sisyrinchium does not behave in the manner you describe, here in Cheshire. Some leaves turn black, I just cut them off at the base. Usually when a plant behaves in the manner you describe its because of a shortage of water. You could try giving a bit of support but dont hesitate to cut off the brown or black leaves.

  3. My sisyrinchium is in partial shade and flowers well, we live in the SE so warmer climate!!! When it’s finished flowering the whole plant flops outwards, the leaves spread in a circle and lay lost in the ground with the centre of the plant exposed. What do I do? Tie it up, cut it back or leave it. Some of the brown leaves I just remove but the rest of the leaves are still green. Advice greatly appreciated thx

  4. Alistair,

    Your photos are gorgeous. I feel as though I took this walk myself. Thank you so much for sharing, I love your photography.

  5. I think a walk in the countryside is the best type of park activity! With so much natural beauty, the park should be wonderful, when it is done. By the way, i also would have thought those were irises!

  6. I grow those plants and they self seed too Alistair. I find that over a couple of years the main plant dies away but there are always plenty of offspring around the garden and hence their position in the garden seems to move over the course of a few years in the border.

  7. Certainly a lovely walk though in the country. I have never seen this flower and it does remind me of an iris or gladiola. Love the color too. If the frigid bitter cold would break I would love to get out for a walk…getting a bit stir crazy.

  8. I am completely unfamiliar with Sisyrinchium striatum and probably would have expected some sort of iris as well. Good for you to get out there and walk! I am sure it will be good for your health. Isn’t it nice that you are able to spend some time with your grandson. I wish my son had had more of a chance to know his grandparents on both sides when he was a boy, but my husband and I both had parents that lived in a different province.

  9. Got it exactly Carolyn, the so called zones here do not reflect those in the USA. People generally don’t take any heed of it, for instance, snowdrops grow well in the very south of the country as well as the far north of Scotland.

  10. Your countryside is beautiful, Alistair! Just choose a cooler day next time, he-he! Last May, I walked to Sissinghurst castle all by myself from a railroad station in a small town. It was a long but such pleasant walk. Your pictures reminded me of it.
    As for the plant, I do love tall plants with sword-shaped leaves.

  11. I guess you are in zone 9 for winter lows, but your summer highs would be much lower than a typical US zone 9 climate. Snowdrops do not do that well in zone 9 in the US, I am not even sure if they grow at all there. I thought it was because the winters weren’t cold enough, but it must be because of the summer temperatures. Zone 9 must be cold enough in the winter for snowdrops to bloom where you are. Would you agree?

  12. We are in zone 9 Carolyn, but it really doesnt have the same significance as the usda. We experience a generally moderate climate.

  13. I’d have found that walk rewarding, for the stone arched railway bridge.
    In our new garden I’m finding deep orange flowers – Montbretia?

  14. It is pretty cute Janet, Mind you I suspect he was starting to doubt where the park was and thought to himself, I know a place that looks pretty good anyway. Ah you have the sisyrinchium, hope it does as well for you.

  15. How wonderful that he thought the countryside was a park!! And how lucky to inherit sisyrinchium striatum, I discovered it through a neighbour when we moved here, having fallen in love with its subtle beauty, and it is definitely a plant targeted for the front garden. Good to have that long flowering period confirmed.

  16. Hello Alistair, I would have guessed it as a form of gladiolus, just not as blowsy and loud, much more subtle and understated. The countryside surrounding you is beautiful. We haven’t managed to do as much exploring of our local area but from driving around we’re surrounded by trees, woodlands and forest. We have to go out some way before we get into open countryside.

  17. I now regret past ruthlessnesses – especially during a hot summer when un-established plants are struggling to survive.

  18. Hi Sue, it really is good to be near our family again. As for plants that dont thrive in the garden. I have seen me persevere for years in the hope of improvement, more ruthless these days.

  19. Hi Alastair, the village sounds like a great place to live, and I reckon a walk in the countryside is even better than a park. It must be lovely to be near your children and grandchildren. As for the Sisyrichium, I love it in theory, but it wasn’t happy in my garden and didn’t flower and didn’t fit in, so it was a case of : off with your head ! (and roots)

  20. I understand why you thought the Sisyrinchium was an iris, Alistair. I would have made the same mistake — it is new to me. You live in a beautiful area! I would love to take that walk, park or no park. P. x

  21. Thanks Helene, although I state in the description that Sisyrinchium striatum flowers in sun or part shade, I dont mention the exact position of ours in the garden. Some of them are in the sunny south facing garden and others are in the back garden which is North facing, mind you, they are at the very bottom of the garden away from the house, so you could say they are in a semi shaded spot. Off to do a little editing on my post. (I like this blogging thing)

  22. Indie, I generally have been put off Iris because of the very short flowering period. Mind you, I am tempted to have another go.

  23. Well, that’s too bad you didn’t find the park, but it does look like a lovely place to walk anyway! I hadn’t seen Sisyrinchium striatum before. That’s nice it has such a long flowering period. As pretty as irises are, so many have just a short little bloom period (at least they did down south – I’m hoping the blooms will last longer up here in my new garden.)

  24. It’s lovely to have an area to walk to, weather it looks like a park or not, even better that your grandson was the one taking the initiative 🙂
    Sisyrinchium striatum is new to me, looks like a lovely plant, but as Rick has commented it needs sun, do you grow yours in full or part sun? My full sun area is small and I have a queue of plants that would like to live there….

  25. Hi Alistair, I grew Sisyrinchium striatum until a few years ago, in fact probably from the same source as yours, and found it to be a really nice tidy plant, unfortunately I think that it does appreciate the sun and mine died out under encroaching shade which was my mistake. It is a member of the Iris family as I am sure you realised and I currently have the small Sisyrinchium californicum (Brachypus Group)from seed but this species, although pretty, can be quite invasive as it is hardier than you would expect.

  26. Hi Angie
    The Sisyrinchium are still looking healthy here. I guess having so many of them in the garden suggests it does grow like a weed. I have a feeling that further north than yourself, in Aberdeen, they are not quite so hardy.

  27. Park or no park, looks like you are getting out and about in your new neighbourhood Alistair. Nothing like exploring and finding your own way around.
    I was given a couple of pieces of your aforementioned Sisyrinchium striatum from a gardening friend last year after admiring it in her garden. Her comments….take as much as you want, it’s a weed here but easily removed if it gets out of hand. I’d be interested to know how yours is looking now. The ones here are black and I don’t know if that’s the frost or normal behavior for them.

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