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Persicaria affinis darjeeling red — 16 Comments

  1. hello Alistair, I remember you saying your wife was not happy in England, I gather time didn’t help, glad to hear she is feeling better now, Frances

  2. Hello Frances, Myra was not happy living in Cheshire, her health has improved greatly in the year we have been back home in Scotland.

  3. Hi Jennifer, this is year one of the Persicaria. Yes, it is a spreader and I will have to keep it under control, fabulous if you want it for ground cover. The young flowers of this one are pale pink and turn red as they age.

  4. Hello Joy, thank you for sharing your appreciation for common plants. Off to add Canadian garden joy to my list of bloggers.

  5. Hello Alistair from chilly Canada .. I’m in south eastern Ontario, (Kingston) by lake Ontario ..
    I won’t go on about how my father’s family came from Scotland in the 18th century and all that good stuff .. wink wink …
    Some plants get a bad rap because they aren’t new and fashionable, but I have never been one for that.
    If a plant rings my bell it doesn’t matter where it stands on the OMG scale ? haha
    You took wonderful pictures of this one and it IS very pretty !
    When plants do well in our gardens they have to make us smile .. one of my longest lived plants was a plain (but gorgeous to me) Blue Fortune anise hyssop .. what would be considered a “common” plant.
    It lived for over 14 years in my garden looking and smelling wonderful .. when I went to move it one Spring it tossed in the towel (I should have left it alone) .. so now I am getting one or two more again because the bees, other beneficial insects and hummers loved it as well.
    So I say congratulations to plants that are happy in our gardens and long may they live !
    Thank you for stopping by my blog, I appreciate it ! : )

  6. I have admired Persicaria for sometime, but have been fearful to try it knowing that it has a reputation for spreading. How long have you had ‘Darjeeling red’, I wonder? I find it is not until the third year that a perennial shows it’s true colors and really starts to spread. I have to say that the flowers on this cultivar are really nice and big. The dark magenta flower buds are a nice contrast with the pale pink flowers. I’d love to think of this plant for my garden.

  7. I suppose this is a cousin to Persicaria microcephala ‘Red Dragon’ that grows in my own garden. but completely different looking plants! Since ‘Red Dragon’ does well here, I wonder if that means your Persicaria affinis darjeeling would also grow for me? I love its beautiful color.

  8. Well, I knew about it, I have even seen it on television a number of times. As for the name of it, well surprise, surprise, I had to google it.

  9. Im all for “doers” in the garden. Persicarias Blackfield, Fats Domino, Orangefield and Dikke Floskes feature here for months.

  10. Alistair, I did smile when I saw the photo of the starlings! What a great pic it is. I love starlings but unfortunately their numbers here in Bedfordshire appear to be declining.Your periscaria is stunning, I have them in my garden and they are reliable little performers.

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