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Courtyard Garden in Fife Scotland — 22 Comments

  1. Thank you for the kind comments, Sue. Technology, well you should have seen the carry on I have been having setting up my new mobile phone. I had a simple old-fashioned push-button phone. This one has an internet connection, like which most people have these days. It took me a day to suss out how to answer a blooming call, texting, I have sussed it out after a sleepless night. I don’t know why I bothered I can just make out the print on the screen if I use a magnifying glass, ah but I see there is a way to make text larger.

  2. Alastair, I am so impressed by the video, and the idea for the courtyard that looks fantastic. And your plant encyclopedia with the links is also very impressive. You have said at times that you find the technology challenging (as I do massively) but you have thrown yourself into it and the results are great!

  3. Your courtyard is amazing! The video is great. I have thought of trying to video parts of my own garden. After nine years, maybe it would be a nice change to occasionally add video to a blog post. If I can figure out how to do it!

  4. Alistair, I liked your video, you made it professionally, well done. Your courtyard looks tidy, are all your plants potted? I see your Hydrangea is in a pot and blooms well.
    For editing my videos I use only VideoStudio program for many years, that does all I want . You can find it in Google.

  5. Hello Alistair .. You did a wonderful job with this video showing us what a gorgeous court yard garden you have there ! .. The first dark buddleia was stunning .. is t Dark Knight ? if not what is it ? I am fascinated by it
    Everything looks so well maintained and so pretty. It must be such a pleasure to sit there and enjoy it all.
    You have turned what might have been shear wasted space into a little Eden , well done !

  6. Your mum and I have daughters to be proud of. I never had a chosen career just sort of fell into it, and would also have preferred doing something else. Just the way of things. I think you would have made a good celebrity gardener. x

  7. Well I am not sure about that, but now I am getting older I’m thinking I’d rather be a gardener than my chosen career ???

  8. A beautiful job, Alistair. Your courtyard garden is a haven of loveliness. It is a nice mix of foliage and flowers. It looks like it was there forever–hard to believe how new it is. And not a spent bloom or weed in sight. Well done! P. x

  9. Thank you for dropping by Carolyn. We are in a new house, the slugs and snails have not found their way here as yet.

  10. Absolute perfection. And I see not one plant that have been visited by bugs, etc. That is such a problem here in my part of the USA, deep South, with Japanese beetles in early June, then another beetle sets in , Asiatic beetle, to create more havoc. Just beautiful and I hope you have many pollinators move in to dine. Thank you for such a lovely few moments of visiting your beautiful courtyard. Quite creative and inspiring.

  11. Alistair, thank you for this lovely film of your beautiful courtyard. It is calming to view it. Your plants are gorgeous. I enjoyed seeing all of them, especially the clematis. I live in southwestern Missouri in the U.S. and we have had a very hot summer, which has been hard on clematis. Your garden is an inspiration.

  12. Wow, the courtyard looks absolutely amazing, wish I had inherited your green fingers. xx

  13. Frances, the stable hand compensates for the dodgy eyesight. The shrubs and trees, well, to be honest, they were not small when we got them but they have taken a good hold.

  14. Alistair, your courtyard garden is beautiful and looks a lovely secluded place to sit out in, you are right it would otherwise we wasted space, you have a very steady hand, getting older and taking after my father I have not had a steady hand in many years,

    as you have not been in Fife very long I am amazed at how tall many of your shrubs and trees are, I know mine are extra short owing to the exposed place I garden in, but yours look well established already as if you have been there five years or longer, you must have a good fertile soil and I know Fife has more warmth than Lewis,

    I know nothing about making videos and youtube so sorry I can’t help you there, I hope someone else can,

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