Are Hellebores hardy in Scotland
Hellebores in our Fife garden
Are Hellebores hardy in Scotland, of course they are. Today we are taking a look at two which have been in flower since mid January.
Helleborus x ericsmithii ‘Winter Sunshine and Helleborus x hybridus ‘Tutu
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Tutu

We may well be smack bang in the dead of winter with possibly the worst yet to come. Nevertheless, these Winter flowering plants remind me that Spring is not so very far away.
The leaves of Hellebore at this time of year look rather messy. Very soon it will be time to cut the leaves back giving the flowers a chance to look their best.
It’s impossible to appreciate Hellebores from a distance. You have to get up close and lift those nodding blooms, certainly have to do that when taking pictures of them. Don’t get me wrong, they are worth their weight in gold and sometimes cost as much. Hellebores in our Aberdeen garden.
Plant description
The clump forming Hellebore Tutu has semi double flowers with petals mottled in shades of bronze, white and pink. The stamens are prominent and coloured yellow.
The evergreen leathery leaves are at their best before the flowers open.
Fully hardy throughout the UK, although the leaves may be semi evergreen in the coldest of areas.

Hellebores are happiest of all in a woodland position, having shade under the canopy of trees. In the garden plant your Hellebores in a border that doesn’t get too much sunshine, in fact the ones in our garden get no sun at all, between the months of November and March.
Grows well in neutral/acid soil
Will grow to a height of 30/40cm
Hellebores like rich soil. Feed with (blood-fish and bone) in Spring when flowers have gone over and again in September.
Growing in containers
Yes, in fact it may give an opportunity to place where the blooms can be viewed more easily. Choose a reasonably large pot and use a good quality garden compost with a little soil added.
Divide large clumps in Spring after flowering has stopped. However, it is said Hellebores don’t like being disturbed. Makes me feel a little uncertain about the division, I will try it some time.
During the flowering period, cut away tatty old foliage, leaving the flowers to show more prominently.
Helleborus x ericsmithii ‘Winter Sunshine

Plant description
The Hellebore Winter sunshine is another relatively new introduction. This one is extremely free flowering producing masses of blooms from January until Spring.
The first of the flowers in January can look rather bedraggled but have patience, the slightly milder days to come perks them up no end.

The single white flowers turn a pink shade as they age. An added bonus with Winter sunshine is the foliage. In Autumn the glossy dark green leaves are enhanced with pewter veining, looking very decorative. This one received the RHS award of garden merit.
All other details such as, hardiness, feeding etc is as described in Hellebore Tutu.
great post thanks for sharing
That sure is interesting George.
Matching a plant to a place with the right amount of sun can be tricky! This is especially true with plants loving mottled shade. But you don’t need to guess any more!
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Try it out. Share with your friends! Give feedback!
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Have Fun!.
I thought you may just have got away with it Nadezda
I love hellebore Alistair. Your photos are beautiful!
I tried to grow them here in zone 5a but they are not hardy, wintered badly.
I have a white one but the flower is usually almost buried by leaves.
I love your Hellebore Tutu!!