Azalea Kermesina
Azalea Kermesena in our Fife garden
The small evergreen Azaleas can be a hit or a miss in our garden. Kermesena is a definite hit.
We have had a few of these evergreen Azaleas which have died back after the first year. I am very happy with this one as it has come back even stronger in its second year.
Planted in the back garden along with other acid loving plants, Kermesena has been flowering since mid May and still looking good in June.
About Azalea Kermesena
The dwarf Azalea Kermesena produces masses of pink flowers in mid to late May and continuing to flower into June.
Azalea Kermesena will perform best of all in a semi shaded position
Height and spread
Will grow to an approximate height and spread of 60cm
Flowers and leaves
Blooming in May/June the flowers are pink, edged or splashed with white. The mid evergreen leaves become almost smothered in blooms.
Azaleas and rhododendron require acidic soil. When planting, you will not go wrong if you add ericaceous compost to the soil and also top dress with this compost making sure you keep it away from the stems of the plant.
Azaleas are not exactly hungry plants. If the leaves are turning a bit on the yellow side then feed with a liquid fertilizer for acidic loving plants. Do this twice per year in late March or early April then again in late July.
Kermesena is one of the modern dwarf Azaleas and is fully hardy in the UK
Azalea Torchlight
I had to include this one as it has all the qualities of Kermesena, but does fantastically well growing in a pot at our front door.
The orange flowers which are quite large smother the plant in early May. An extra bonus with this one is the leaves in Winter, turn a glossy shade of burgundy.
In the garden
Everyone loves the Meconopsis Lingholm which comes into bloom in late May.
Highlighting the Hosta Halcyon between two pale green forms shows it to its best.
A couple of back garden pictures from the window.
After the Spring show from March until May, early June is a bit of a waiting game. It is all fresh and leafy waiting for the perennial plants to do their job.
Myra’s pride and joy Diana.
I must repot my poor Streptocarpus – yours look spectacular!
Thank you Nadezda, hope you are keeping well.
I have a similar azalea and it doesn’t do so well .it is semi shaded and ihave fed it.other azaleas put on a brilliant show .
Your garden always looks beautiful.
Your garden is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for showing it to us.
Alistair, what awesome azalea! It’s a picturesque view from your window, the hostas make your garden very pretty on the next to last photo.
Stay healthy, take care.