HomeGardening NewsGardens in generalNerine bowdenii Isabel


Nerine bowdenii Isabel — 10 Comments

  1. Glad I was of some help Val. As you can probably see, my blog posts are all about the plants that grow in my garden. I prefer it to be about what is blooming at the time I publish. The plants which I have found interesting in Winter, I have already written about. I will be posting soon, perhaps I should also think of some other format.

  2. hi alistair,
    i just found your site, whilst trying to discover what i should do with my skimmia japonica. it’s done a brilliant job throughout the winter, but suddenly looks like it needs some effort from me. so i was really pleased to get your guidance.
    but very disappointed to see you haven’t posted anything since december.
    is this because you don’t like winter?
    or are you waiting for a bit of general encouragement?
    please take this as a bit of general encouragement. i’m keen to see what you have to say next.

  3. If growing in a pot use half John Iness number three and the other half a good quality general garden compost, also mix in a good amount of garden grit. Growing from seed, well, as long as you are willing to wait for, perhaps five years to see the blooms.

  4. Dear Alistair,
    I love your garden.
    A Merry Christmas, happy holidays with your family and loved ones.
    Good health and take care!

  5. Alistair, your December garden is amazing. I have not seen the blooming Nerina, although I once bought a few bulbs, but they did not have flowers. Yours are wonderful, big and beautiful in color.
    I also liked Sorbus vilmorinii, its berries resemble the snow-berry bush (Symphoricarpos) in my garden.

  6. Hi Ellen, Yes, this Rowan is in the ground. It grows into an extremely handsome tree. I am not the greatest fan of Winter but am always excited that Spring is just around the corner.

  7. Wow Alistair, such colour in your garden in December! I’m currently reading Rosemary Verey’s book ‘The Garden in Winter’. It’s an old book but still relevant. I love the garden in Winter and yours is just fabulous. I’m especially interested in your rowan, do you grow it in the ground? I usually plant to support our wildlife and my Rowan trees get stripped bare by the blackbirds and starlings which is why I planted them, but I would like to grow your Rowan and for once have a few berries for me to look at!

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