Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Cercidiphyllum japonicum Native to Japan, where it is known as Katsura. It’s hardy but may get set back in Spring when a late frost may cause the leaves to shrivel up. Fear not, recovery will be quick.
In our garden
The Cercidiphyllum japonicum may not have significant looking flowers. However, the heart shaped veined leaves continually change colour throughout the growing season.
The young leaves as seen in the picture below are shades of bronze, pink and lime green. They mature to a mid-green, but new leaves appear throughout the Summer.
Our young specimen is growing in a pot and placed in the courtyard, I keep calling it the courtyard, perhaps it would seem more convincing if I were to create some open roof sort of structure covering only part of the area, Perhaps a pergola I wouldn’t cover it all as this is our sun trap where we relax.
As I hinted at earlier, the frost did indeed cut back the leaves, but it didn’t happen until May, it was ridiculously cold here for the month of May.
As it was our Cercidiphyllums first year I didn’t hold out much hope of recovery as it was a very weak and flimsy specimen anyway. Well I was wrong, it came back, bushed up and looks terrific, in fact it’s my new favourite.
Plant profile for Cercidiphyllum japonicum
In its native land of Japan and China, Cercidiphyllum japonicum is a tall tree, reaching 30 meters. Here in the UK it can grow to a height of 6 meters in 20 years, apparently an eventual height of 14 meters is possible.
Common name
Growing in a pot
Our one seems to have done pretty well. I planted our spindly specimen in a mid-size pot last Autumn and after the slight set back with a late frost it has developed remarkably well.
I used a mix of John Innes number 3, general garden compost and topsoil.
Stay on top of watering in the Summer, it is a very thirsty shrub. I say shrub, it is my intention to keep it in shrub form.

Late September sunshine catching the leaves as they prepare for Autumn display
Described as hardy in the UK, I just wonder if it may struggle to get through the Winter in some inland areas.
Insignificant white flowers in Spring. Grown for its outstanding multi shaded leaves, which are said to give the aroma of candyfloss when fallen to the ground in Autumn.
If your specimen has grown into a tree form, then generally leave it to do its own thing. If you decide to ct back weak branches or thin it out, do so in late Autumn or Winter when dormant.
Much the same if you are growing it as a bush, although it would be acceptable to cut back branches where leaves have been damaged by late frost in Spring.
Position and soil
Happiest in a sheltered full sun position. Any decent moisture retaining soil, preferably lime free.
The Juwel Vision 180 Aquarium
In late winter of this year, with too much time on my hands, I decided to take up my old hobby of tropical fish keeping. I got myself a 14 gallon tank and was quite pleased with it.
Before too long however I realised that I should have gone for a larger tank.
This is my latest 45 gallon tank and I am more than pleased with it. It is the Juwel Vision 180 with cabinet.. It has a curved front which looks pretty good.
Its freshwater tropical fish and I have.
Harlequin rasboras – Neon Tetras – Flame Tetras
Platies – Blue Gourami – Guppies – Corydoras
The very best wishes to you also Nadezda
Dear Alistair,
A merry Christmas to you!
May you and your family feel light and laughter, love, peace , health and joy in this holiday. I wish your Christmas be relaxing so that you can recharge for the new year. Happy Holidays!
Nadezda, a clear sign that Cercidiphyllum is hardy.
Alistair, this is a very beautiful plant. Cercidiphyllum japonicum grows in our park. we call it Round-leaved. I like the color of its leaves. Your aquarium is impressive. Nice curved front wall. I also had red swordtails and guppies.