Hydrangea Magical Mont Blanc
Growing Hydrangea Magical Mont Blanc in a pot.
Hydrangeas like most garden plants prefer to be planted in the border. Fortunately, many are quite happy planted in a pot. Hydrangea Magical Mont Blanc is one of them.
Plant profile for Hydrangea Magical Mont Blanc
Some time back, Hydrangeas became very unpopular, especially the mopheads, a plant for your granny they would say. I am pleased to say, all that nonsense about certain garden plants being unfashionable seems to be over.
The paniculata form is magnificent, especially if you like white. Mont Blanc is compact and bushy, with the most perfect white blooms imaginable. Take a look at this mail order company, they have an enormous range of Hydrangeas. Golden Hill Plants
We have two of these deciduous shrubs growing very well in our courtyard area. They have been in the pots for three years now and are flourishing.
Flowers and leaves on Hydrangea Magical Mont Blanc
The deciduous shrub starts to show tiny green leaf buds in Spring, soon producing dark green leaves which will fall in late Autumn, leaving the plant bare stemmed.
In mid-July the cone-shaped flowers start to open, a lime shade of green to begin with, soon turning snowy white. The blooms are numerous and last until Autumn.
Many of the Paniculata hydrangeas are said to have fragrant blooms, cant say I picked up on it, but I have been desensitized by a 19-year-old’s cat litter tray.
Compact bushy plant, about 1.2 metres/ 3ft 9 inches
Fully hardy in the UK
Soil and position
Grows well in any reasonable garden soil and prefers a semi shaded position, but does surprisingly well in full sun.
In Spring, when the buds are showing, cut each stem back to just above a bud. No matter how low you prune, you will still get blooms. The harder you cut back, the larger the flowers Wil be, in fact, sometimes making the blooms a bit on the heavy side for the stems.
Personally, I prefer not to go to the lowest bud when pruning.
October in the garden
Fair enough, it’s early October, but I am so pleased with how the garden is looking. It seems like in recent years, the growing season is extending. Click this link to see our garden in S Summer of 2020 and Spring of 2021.
Our back garden in early October
The Patio from the bedroom window
Our daughter Lana, son-in-law Martin and Grandson Owen live in the same area as we do.
After many years and owing to a busy lifestyle, they have got around to giving their garden a bit of a makeover. I don’t think they would mind me saying it was a bit of a state.
Now although maybe not the high maintenance style which we like, at least on a pleasant day, they now have a place where they can sit outdoors. I think a few plants potted up by yours truly won’t go amiss.
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