Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum
In your garden you may be surrounded with multiple shades of green from your trees, shrubs, plants and lawn. Fair enough
the perennial plants and annuals add a multitude of glorious colour.
However for a change in colour, the red leaved Japanese Acers are just the thing.
Take Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum with its red/purple leaves, absolutely fantastic. In Autumn the leaves then turn a brilliant scarlet, who says foliage is boring. Eventual height is said to be around 500cm, it would take many years to reach that height in Aberdeen.
For a dwarf variety look out for Acer Palmatum Dissectum Crimson Queen. This low growing mound forming Acer with its rich purple finely cut leaves is outstanding, grows to 120cm. Also grows well in containers, and it got the RHS award of garden merit, fantastic.
I will be pleased to do this Eliza.
Hi! I saw you on Blotanical today and am enjoying looking around your blog. I couldn’t help but notice that nearly all of your posts (with their species/variety titles) would be perfect to include in the new blog carnival I’m hosting. It features food or ornamental plants that are recommended by blogging gardeners.
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