Phlox Paniculata Franz Schubert
Today’s featured plant is Phlox paniculata Franz Schubert One of the select varieties from Blooms of Bressingham. This one named by Allan Bloom after his favourite composer.
Continue reading →Today’s featured plant is Phlox paniculata Franz Schubert One of the select varieties from Blooms of Bressingham. This one named by Allan Bloom after his favourite composer.
Continue reading →Bergenias, out of fashion at one time, I will say no more regarding that rubbish. Well anyway back in favour!This Bergenia in our woodland area flowers quite well, pity the evergreen leaves tend to get a rather moth eaten look … Continue reading →
Kirengeshoma Palmata with interesting yellow tubular blooms thrives in our woodland An unusual, interesting and beautiful Japanese hardy perennial plant which flowers late Summer early Autumn is (Kirengeshoma Palmata). It has palmate foliage and yellow tubular blooms.
Continue reading →The Perennial plant Crambe Maritima also known as Sea-kale is commonly found on shingle beaches. The large bluish-green leaves and the flowering stems which are two feet tall are topped by creamy white honey scented blooms, the structural shape of … Continue reading →
Astrantia Maxima. Of all the Astrantia’s of which there are many, Maxima in my opinion is the most striking of all. Here we have a perennial which once had pride of place in all country cottage gardens. However this … Continue reading →